ny adress

från och med nu hittar ni mig på:


FENOMENET "Fryspåse"

jag är förtrollad.. den är sååååå bra. denna fantastiska genomskinliga påse med blå text man hittar vid kassorna eller på frysdiskarna i mataffärerna.
jag menar.. köper jag nått fryst så håller denna MAGISKA påse det fryst i 7 dagar.. medans om jag väljer den utan text, med handtag, så tinar det på EN minut!
usch så dålig den är! skillnaden är enorm.
jag förstår verkligen kunderna när de säger att de MÅSTE ha denna MAGISKA påse istället för den UTAN texten med handtag! eftersom skillnaden är så STOR och "fryspåsen" är gjord på den MAGISKA plasten

ooooooooooo jag får ett fucking psykbryt!
folk kan vara så jäääävla dumma i huvudet så ni kan inte ana....
sakna logiskt tänkande och allmän förståelse...
SKILLNADEN mellan dessa 2 påsar är:
den ena har texten: FRYSPÅSE på sig
den saknar handtag
den är lite större

den är INTE magisk, den håller inte produkten/produkterna frysta längre än den andra
hur i helvete kan man inte förstå detta själv som en människa med normal intelligens? jag fattar inte det....

I still think...

that im gonna be a perfect housewife :P

ive been cooking today! 6 meals! where 2 of them was pretty big so i think i have dinner for atleast 8 days now.
main ingredient: "Falukorv"
a typical swdish thing... basically, you use EVERYTHING thats left from a slaughtered pig, they put in a mixer and call it a sausage. looks like this when its done:

so i made 2 different dishes out of it.
i allready had some rice and pasta at home but i bought everything else.
sausage: 20sek
onion: 5sek
milk: 15sek
potatoes: 10 sek
mustard: 15sek
+ some sallad, cos i need sallad to everything i eat kinda :P
but if you´re not that obsessed with sallad as i am, you´d have a week of food for around 65sek!
6,5 euro pretty much, thats insane!!

storkok på gång. Självklart i sällskap av...

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storkok på gång. Självklart i sällskap av sexy sixten

another "must"

I bet all of you have goals and stuff you really want to do in your life, experience...
i hope atleast or I feel sorry for you :P

i´ve descovered another "must" in my life....
as some of you might know i have a secret love and for another kind of music that i normaly listen too and thats opera haha :P

so except for going and see "Les Miserables & Phantom of the opera" (which are operettes, i know)
i also HAVE to go and see "Turandot".
where they preform the world famous "nessun durma"
aka "the song paul potts sang in BGT 2007" for all you under 40 hehe

its just something that blows me away when i hear it, i get sad, amazed, happy and 10 million other things at the same time. and imageing myself sitting in an opera house with my long, lovely gala dress and my small binoculars puts a smile on my face.
ITALIA here i come :P

(s)w(h)ine night

Fredagen blev jättelyckad.
Kom hen från jobb runt 3 och dog i sängen efter en timme ca. fick vilat 1.5h innan det var dags för tvätt och städning.
Vi skulle nämligen ha tillställningen här in my crib :P
och eftersom Sandiz är allergisk var det sanering som gällde.
(vet ni att om man skriver sandra med T9 på mobilen så får man upp ordet sanera)
men IAF. tände en massa värmeljus för o mysa till det lite vilket gjorde lägenheten till en bastu :P
fixade lite snacks i form av grönsaker och dip.

sen kom alla brudarna och det va dags att ge sig på vinet... sammanlagt svepte vi 6 liter haha. lagom.
vi dansa, sjöng, spela på tok för högt, väsnades på balkongen, väsnades i trappen, fota, skratta som galningar, diskutera allvarliga saker, personliga saker...
helt enkelt en PERFEKT tjejkväll.
fast jag tycker att kameran gick varm så va det nog inte min iaf, inväntar mer bildbevis från sandra och malin för jag hade inte så många :S
jag vet iaf att sandra har 40 mer eller mindre bra gruppfoto på oss HAHA.
nån blindar, nån tittar bort, nästa gång är bara halva huet med, nån gör en min etc :P

me and my better half kissing, enjoy. He w...

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me and my better half kissing, enjoy. He wanted the pic and this is the only way i know how to give it to him. Note to myself, do not take private pic's he might want, with the phone

weekend coming up


im fucking knackered....
but its only one day left at work then its weekend :P
alarm goes off at 5,30 tomorrow morning.
and ive heard its gonna be below 0 degrees tonight. i hope its not true cos ill die on the way to work then.
im not ready for the winter :(

but i finnish early tomorrow atleast, then i have the laundry as soon as i get home.
but later it lightens up. Sandra invited me to a wine night with her, malin and sandra so thats gonna be great fun :P
drink a few glases and just gossip :)

and hopefully it wont end like this.......

vad tycks petra? ;)

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vad tycks petra? ;)


we lost, bigtime....
oh well, i expected us to, but maybe not that big.. oh well. we played good the last 15 minutes atleast haha :P

ive done my 5 days at work now. and im dead.
been having this "cold" for over 2 weeks now. it wont really come out and it wont dissapear. so i feel tired all the fucking time pretty much. but now i get a whole days rest :O before its time to work again.

talked to my boss today aswell and handed in some wishes for my workingschedual durin x-mas and NYE. Dennis is coming just after x-mas, spending NYE here :P
i do have to work 2 days then, maybe 3, but my boss were pretty optimistic about it so it feels good.

its hard to get everything to work out as you want it with school, work, family friends etc when you have a distance relationship. its really a struggle sometimes and the ones who´s not been in the situation have no idea how hard u actually have to work to be able to see eachother. but its sooo worth it.


Holland.... probably the best country in the world.

Im soo releaved now. my lovely Dennis helped me yesterday and looked up the rules with insuring cats in NL.
here in shitty Sweden you cant insure cats over 7 years.
they dont have that silly rule in NL, you can insure the animals no matter what age they are, its just that it costs some more the older they get (reasonable) but atleast i have an insurance and thats all i ask for. and a good one aswell, they dont make it worse by time, as they do here by changeing em after age, doesnt cover some illnesses after a sertain age etc.

so now i feel so happy :P just wanna go now, everything will work out :D

but as much as I do love Holland.... tomorrow you shall fall, fukkers!! :P


Pissed at Men Syndrome.

gaaaah, my presence wont be a fairytale the next comming days.
i have to struggle for not telling ppl what i feel about them or my opinion about sertain things.
but somethimes it feels good to be angry, for no reason. to get stuff out off your system and have something to blame it on :+

so my negative opinion for the day iiiiiis: (and this i still think without my lovely PMS)

Rihanna and Eminem - love the way you lie....
Problably the shittiest song of 2010

shitty situation

gaaah. im in a really shitty situation at the moment.
and im really scared of the outcome.

ive come to realise that i have a really big problem with my cats when it comes to moving to Holland.
their insurance.
the insurancecompany i have for them here over in sweden doesnt seem to work with any companies down there. and if they have the same rules as we do, you cant insure animals over 7 years and then its screwed for 2 of my cats. stina will be 7 and sixten will be 9.
and i cant have them uninsured.
that would mean that if something really bad happens to them, i wont have money to pay for it and are gonna be forced to put them to sleep.
and that is def no option.
sure, moving to Holland would make me so much happier but to loose them over a decision ive made would kill me and make me more sad then having to sit here, do fuck all with my life and roth.
fine, if i had 200 euros on a saving acc id use that money as my own insurance, but i wont know if i will have that since im taking everything to move there and be able to get a good start there without having a job etc.

im not 100% sure they have the same rules as here and ive asked Dennis to see if he can find some answers for me. im also gonna call my insurancecompany here and see if they have an oprion for me, or can help me in any way. i really really hope so...
cos i cant walk out on my babies, but i dont wanna walk out on myself either....


im a person that dreams alot. i know all of us do, but i remember atleast 1 per night till 98%.
and quite often its bad dreams, or nighmares.
during some time the past year ive been thinking about getting a dreamcatcher since my bad dreams effects my sleep and makes me tired as hell.

at the festival here in the end on July i found a small stand that an old indian man had and bought one from him and hang it up. and i must say, since then i havent had a nightmare. ive had bad dreams, such as the ones ive had last night, but not really bad, bad.

and it makes me wonder... does it really work/help?
or is it that far in our subconscious that it even effects our dreams that they say we cant effect or control?


a few months ago I sat a date for my moving.
the 5th of October 2011.
yesterday it was the 5th, but next year it will be on a wednesday.
so i guess its only one year left counting from today.

hopefully ill be all done by next year to this date. in worst case i guess i have to wait till the end of the month but i hope i wont.
and i (read Barbie) found a great site with appartments. tho it costs 35Euros to registrer, but im gonna do that soon. start looking and apply.
most of the appartments have 1 year to 3 months waitingtime so its time to start searching proper.

damn, time flies

home alone again after leaving dennis at t...

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home alone again after leaving dennis at the airport. I miss him so much already. Had the most wonderful weekend. Thanks every one who was a part of it, means a lot to me. <3

im in heaven! Drool

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im in heaven! Drool

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