shitty situation

gaaah. im in a really shitty situation at the moment.
and im really scared of the outcome.

ive come to realise that i have a really big problem with my cats when it comes to moving to Holland.
their insurance.
the insurancecompany i have for them here over in sweden doesnt seem to work with any companies down there. and if they have the same rules as we do, you cant insure animals over 7 years and then its screwed for 2 of my cats. stina will be 7 and sixten will be 9.
and i cant have them uninsured.
that would mean that if something really bad happens to them, i wont have money to pay for it and are gonna be forced to put them to sleep.
and that is def no option.
sure, moving to Holland would make me so much happier but to loose them over a decision ive made would kill me and make me more sad then having to sit here, do fuck all with my life and roth.
fine, if i had 200 euros on a saving acc id use that money as my own insurance, but i wont know if i will have that since im taking everything to move there and be able to get a good start there without having a job etc.

im not 100% sure they have the same rules as here and ive asked Dennis to see if he can find some answers for me. im also gonna call my insurancecompany here and see if they have an oprion for me, or can help me in any way. i really really hope so...
cos i cant walk out on my babies, but i dont wanna walk out on myself either....

Postat av: Jennysen

Men usch vad jobbigt! :( Kan de inte vara försäkrade i Sverige då?

2010-10-07 @ 21:17:52
Postat av: Brenden

it sucks to be under this situation...let's hope for the better that there is an insurance company in NL that offers the packages that you need

your cats are so beautifully cute...feels like hugging them...i love animals...sorry can't help myself here

2010-10-08 @ 17:19:30

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